A study involving authors from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, including one from the I+DEL research group), conducted at the CEIP Son Serra de Mallorca, reveals promising results that suggest music can play a beneficial role in the development of elementary school students’ basic competencies.
At the time of the study, this public school was the first in the Balearic Islands to combine students from integrated music and non-integrated pathways in the same classrooms. Integrated pathway students shared all classes with non-integrated ones, except for a few hours of specific music instruction. The study compared the results of fourth-grade students in mathematics, Spanish, Catalan, and English tests. Students from the integrated music pathway consistently outperformed their peers in all four evaluated competencies. Socioeconomic information about families was also collected, and it was determined that the social or cultural level of the parents did not influence the academic results of the participants.
Therefore, while it is necessary to be cautious in asserting a causal relationship between these aspects, there is optimism about the potential benefits of increased musical practice in the development of language and mathematics-related competencies.
Gelabert Gual, Ll., Berbel Gómez, N., Sanchez-Azanza, V. A. (2023). Music as a Tool in Learning: Improvements in Basic Competences in Children Studying an Integrated Music Programme. Revista Electrónica Complutense de Investigación en Educación Musical, 20, 59-68. https://dx.doi.org/10.5209/reciem.83091