Impact of Inclusive Education on Students with DLD and RD
Our most recent study evaluates the academic performance of school children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and/or reading difficulties (RD) to determine the effectiveness of inclusive education measures in enhancing learning outcomes. The research analyzed the academic histories of 103 students (26 with DLD, 36 with…
New Study on Bullying Victim Categorization among Children with DLD and RD
Our most recent study, published in the journal Research in Developmental Disabilities, investigates how bullying victim categorization depends on the informant. Children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) or Reading Disorders (RD) tend to score higher than their peers in victimization, according to peer reports. However, children with…
Early bilingual’s moral choices don’t depend on language
The journal PLoS ONE has published our last paper, providing new information on the process of making moral decisions. Specifically, the study explores the phenomenon known as the “Foreign Language effect”, which occurs in bilingual individuals when facing a moral dilemma in their two languages. This…
Media attention to our study about Cyberbullying
We are thrilled to share the resounding success and widespread attention our recent research on cyberaggressions and cyberbullying among Spanish adolescents has garnered. Made possible through the funding from El Observatorio Social of the “La Caixa” Foundation, our comprehensive study sheds light on the prevalence and…
Cyberbullying in students with specific needs of educational support
We have recently published an article on cyberaggressions and cyberbullying in Spanish adolescents. This study was funded by El Observatorio Social of “La Caixa” Foundation and can be read in full here. This study shows that almost half of the young people surveyed (46.8%) have suffered some…
Music to Enhance Elementary Students’ Competencies
A study involving authors from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB, including one from the I+DEL research group), conducted at the CEIP Son Serra de Mallorca, reveals promising results that suggest music can play a beneficial role in the development of elementary school students’ basic…
High-Intensity Active Breaks to Enhance Student Attention
A study published in the Journal of Sport Psychology, with contributions from authors from the I+DEL research group and the GICAFE (Research Group in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences) at UIB, demonstrates that implementing high-intensity active breaks can benefit the selective attention of primary school students.…
Our research in Cadena SER Radio
Alberto Sánchez-Pedroche was on Radio Cadena SER last Monday, August 28, 2023, discussing the research carried out by our research group in Development, Education, and Language. The full interview can be listened to here.
TEDxUIB Talk “The Future of Moral Education” Now Available
On December 3, 2020, I+DEL participated in the highly anticipated event TEDxUIB “Plan B”, which had to adapt to the circumstances of the pandemic and be broadcasted online due to the impossibility of holding it in person. After a long wait, we are pleased to announce…
Published our new paper about Trait Anxiety and Cognitive Processing
We are delighted to announce the publication of our latest scientific paper that delves into the connection between self-reported trait anxiety and various measures of cognitive control in young adults. Our work aimed to establish the influence of self-reported trait anxiety on computerized and self-reported measures…
If your child has difficulty speaking, this interests you
Last November, the Unit of Dissemination and Scientific Culture of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) organized a series of informal meetings to showcase some of the ongoing research projects at the university. These events took place from November 21 to 25, 2022, with a…
Congratulations to Dra. Aguilar-Mediavilla
In the I+DEL research group, we are proud to congratulate our director, Dr. Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla, on winning her University Chair competition today. We believe it is a well-deserved recognition of her extensive academic career in all its areas. With three recognized research periods, her work has…
New Book on Language Acquisition in Children: Latest Research and Insights
We are pleased to announce the publication of our new book on language acquisition in children, featuring the latest theoretical and empirical research on typical and atypical language development. The book presents a comprehensive overview of the factors that influence language acquisition and its association with…
PhD Thesis Lecture by Mario Valera-Pozo
Yesterday, January 26 2023, our team member Mario Valera-Pozo defended his doctoral thesis entitled “School Bullying Associated with Language: Indicators and Predictors” in the Graduation Room of the Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda building, on the campus of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). The…
Training Day
On Saturday 18 February 2023, the 3rd Training Day on Language Difficulties will take place in Palma, within the framework of the Degree in Speech Therapy of the University of UVic-Ucc and the UOC, together with the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). The conference has…
A podcast about bullying and language difficulties
The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, the professional body for speech and language therapists in the UK, has recently published a podcast about one of our articles published in the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders (you can know more about the article here).…
Meetings «Jo berén ciència»
Our group participates next November 25th in a series of outreach events promoted by the Unit of Dissemination and Scientific Culture of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). These are relatively informal meetings (morning snacks included) in which different research teams will present a small…
New paper featured on the Engage with DLD website
Our paper “Academic outcomes in bilingual children with developmental language disorder: A longitudinal study.” published in Frontiers in Psychology, has recently been summarized and featured on the Engage with DLD website. This project aims to help increase awareness and accessibility of DLD research by translating academic…
X International Congress on Language Acquisition
This month (september 2022), our team was in Girona for the X International Congress on Language Acquisition. Our participation included two posters and the chairing of a series of oral presentations about phonetic-phonological difficulties in language development by our director, Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla. We want also highlight…
Phonological approaches between languages
Dr. Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla contribution to the book “Fem l’escola plurilingüe” (2022) includes the following material as a free downloadable appendix: Phonological approaches between languages The document illustrates the comparison of vowelic and consonantic phonemes of five languages: Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French and English. Reference Aguilar‐Mediavilla, E.…
Website echoes one of our latest papers
The website Engage with Developmental Language Disorder ( echoed our paper Retrospective bullying trajectories in adults with self‐reported oral language difficulties, published in International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. Our study shows the heightened risk that children and adolescents with language difficulties to suffer from…
New paper about bullying and language difficulties
We recently published a new article in the International Journal of Language & Communication disorders, which you can read in full here. In this article we evaluated a wide sample of 2259 adults who completed self-reports on their difficulties in oral language (in various aspects of expressive and…
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories in Catalan
Our group participated in the catalan translation of the MB-CDI. The answer booklets for this tests can be downloaded for free at: CDI-I 8-18 months CDI-II 16-30 months Reference Serrat, E., Aguilar-Mediavilla, E., Sanz‐Torrent, M., Andreu, L., Amadó, A., Badia, I., & Serra, M. (2022). Inventaris…
“La Caixa” funded our project about cyberbullying and SNES
The Social Observatory of the ”la Caixa” Foundation has granted its support to I+DELab project “Cyberbullying victimization in Spanish adolescents with specific needs of educational support (SNES): involvement and psychosocial outcomes”, lead by Àngels Esteller. The call for projects of the “la Caixa” Foundation is addressed…
Victimization and perceived social skills in children with Language Disorders
Frontiers in Psychology recently published our paper (Sureda-Garcia et al. 2021) “Associations Between Self, Peer, and Teacher Reports of Victimization and Social Skills in School in Children With Language Disorders”. Previous studies have shown that teachers and parents of children with language disorders report them to…
Participation in ANAR Conference
Our colleague Daniel Adrover-Roig acted as moderator of the round table on “School Harassment and Cyberbullying”, in the I Conference on Violence and other problems of Children and Adolescents in the Balearic Islands, of the Foundation ANAR, which took place on November 19 and 20, 2021.…
Josep A. Pérez-Castelló, designated Director
The Chancellor of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) appointed our team member Josep A. Pérez-Castelló as Director of the Office of Teaching Support. The Office of Teaching Support was created in 2017 with the aim of facilitating academic tasks for teachers and improving the…
Do bilinguals outperform monolinguals in switching tasks?
The benefits of bilingualism in executive functions are highly debated. Even so, in switching tasks, these effects seem robust, although smaller than initially thought. By handling two languages throughout their lifespan, bilinguals appear to train their executive functions and show benefits in nonlinguistic switching tasks compared…
Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla designated Director of IRIE
Our team member Eva Aguilar-Mediavilla was designated Director of the institute for educational research and innovation (Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa, IRIE). The IRIE is dedicated to scientific research and innovation in the fields of education and training. One of the institute main functions is…
New paper validating the Spanish adaptation of CBVS-R
This week, an article by the I+DELab research group has been published in the journal Psicothema, entitled “California Bullying Victimization Scale-Retrospective (CBVS-R): Validation of the Spanish Adaptation”. In this article, the retrospective version of the Californa Bullying Victimization Scale (CBVS-R) was translated and adapted into…
“Clasroom intervention in inhibitory control in children with and without language disorders”.
Jorge L. Guirado, Eva M. Aguilar, Victor Sánchez-Azanza, Mario Valera and Daniel Adrover, members of the I+DElab, have published an article in the magazine “Revista de Investigación en Logopedia” in their special issue of 2021, entitled “Clasroom intervention in inhibitory control in children with and without …
Social variables as a risk factor in DLD
Mario Valera, Daniel Adrover and Eva Aguilar, members of the I+DElab laboratory, have published an article in the journal “Language, Society and Culture”, entitled “Social variables as a risk factor, protection factors and consequent difficulties in language: a holistic vision”. Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is defined…
Language in students with ADHD
Josep A. Pérez Castelló, a member of the I + DELab laboratory, and Helena Alvarado Alonso have published in the magazine “Llenguatge, Societat i Comunicació”, an article on how the language of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) develops. This article’s objective has been to summarize…
Training course at the EOEP of Sóller
Eva Aguilar, the principal investigator of the I+DELab research group, has taught a course at the EOEP in Sóller on assessment in language disorders.…
Three UIB studies conclude that being bilingual is good for the brain
The newspaper “Última Hora” has published an article on the doctoral thesis of Víctor Sánchez Azanza, a doctoral student and professor in our research group. His work focuses on the influence of bilingualism on the brain’s neurodevelopment, mainly executive functions
Being bilingual is benefits for the brain, especially in older people
The Ser radio has echoed an investigation conducted by Dr Cristian Farias, PhD student in our research group. In this research, to determine this influence, the researcher compared monolingual older people with bilingual ones. Half of the bilinguals were from a very young age (before the…
Bilingualism, a protective factor against cognitive aging
Cristian Aranda Farías’ doctoral thesis shows that more frequency in the change between languages is related to better cognitive functions in the elderly. With aging, the brain’s cognitive abilities may deteriorate to some degree. This process, which is caused by natural causes, implies that people may…
An Intervention programme using an app seems to improve the physical condition of university students at the UIB
Physical exercise promotes long-term benefits that are key to avoiding health risk factors associated with sedentary lifestyles. Therefore, efforts aimed at improving physical activity are important, especially in the university population, whose levels of exercise often decrease drastically. A new scientific study published in the Health…
Children who spend more time with the tablet, mobile or television have poorer language.
The newspaper “El Mundo” echoes the last article published by our research group on how the use of new technologies influences language children. The results, published in the scientific journal «Children», show that pre-teens who had more access to digital devices, and who used them more often, while…
Online conference on the intervention in cases of bullying in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Alberto Sánchez Pedroche, member of the research group I+DEL, will conduct next Friday the 29th of May a virtual conference where he will define the profile of students or patients with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), especially with de degree associated to Apserger Syndrome. One of the…